PeopleSoft now includes an autocomplete feature. It becomes active on any field that has a prompt table/view (magnifying glass). It does a lookup as you are
entering data into the field, showing matching values from the prompt table.
That's the theory. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to really work all that well in practice. What I've found is that this input helper slows down data entry and
introduces delays as it does the lookup; discards keystrokes randomly so that you end up entering the wrong thing; covers up sections of the screen with its list
of values, hiding things you might need to see; and then sometimes ends up telling you there is no match when in fact there is.
Fortunately it is easy to turn off this feature. From Main Menu select My Personalizations, then Personalize Navigation Personalizations (!). Next to Autocomplete
hit the dropdown box and select No, then OK. Done. No more input help for you!